20 Indian Americans Nominated in Biden Administration; 13 were Women!

Joe Biden, President of the United states picked at least 20 Indian-Americans for the key positions in his incoming administration. Among 20, 13 were women. 

Kamala Harris is also the first person of South Asia descent to be sworn in as the vice president of the United States. 

Joe Biden had indicated that he would rope in a large number of Indian Americans during the campaign, 

Harris, 56, is also the first ever Indian-origin and African American to be sworn in as the vice president of the United States.  

Biden said in his video address, “My constituents in Delaware, my staff in the Senate, the Obama Biden administration, which had more Indian Americans than any other administration in the history of this country and this campaign with Indian Americans at senior levels, which of course includes the top of the heap, our dear friend (Kamala Harris) who will be the first Indian American vice president in the history of the United States of America,”   

Two Indian Americans women have been appointed to the Office of the White House Counsel: Neha Gupta as associate counsel and Reema Shah as deputy associate counsel.​

Also, for the first time in any administration, the White House would have three other South Asians in key positions. 

