With the view of opposing the 'anti-labor' policies and reforms of the Central government, the trade unions across the nation had rolled out the 'Bharat Bandh' the nation-wide strike on January 8th, Wednesday. The reports say that the strike would likely see the participation of over 25 crore people across India, nearly 175 farmers and agricultural workers unions, ten central trade unions, six bank unions, and more than 60 students' organizations.
As far as the state of Tamil Nadu is concerned, the strike would largely affect public transport services and adding to that, the truck and cab drivers are likely to take part in the strike to stand the trade unions and since the six bank unions have unanimously called for the strike, the nationalized banks in the state may witness the lapse and hindrance in its daily operations and the state government hopes that the public transportation including buses and trains would be taking the roads on schedule as the trade unions associated with the ruling party would stay off from the strike.

Some of the government employees have stated that the absence of the employees would be less as the state government had issued severe warnings to the employees who took part in the bandh. Earlier, Chief Secretary of Government of Tamil Nadu Shanmugam has sent a circular note to all the departmental heads of the government and the educational institutions in which he warned that the pay and allowances would not be released for the employees who participated in the strike and along with that, the Chief Secretary had notified that part-time employees and daily wagers affiliated to the government would be expelled from their work if they had reported to the strike.
According to the Times of India, Chandran, the vice-president of Tamil Nadu government transport employees federation said that about 60% of the employees of the state transport were likely to stay off from their work and added that the large numbers of the drivers of the commercial vehicles, taxis, and autos would take part in the strike. However, the officials of the Metropolitan transport corporation have stated that the city's public transport won't face an impediment as the corporation had already installed and deployed adequate manpower including drivers and conductors.

One of the state-based teachers' associations JACTTO-GEO had stated that some of the teachers associated with the association would participate in the strike and along with that, the Tamil Nadu Postgraduate Teachers Association and Tamil Nadu Primary School Teachers Federation will take part in the nation-wide strike. Some of the demands of the trade unions are urging the Central government to annul the anti-labor reforms and to increase the minimum wage, to halt the government plans for privatizing the public sector units to revoke the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens.