Chill Donald, Chill! How Greta Thunberg took perfect revenge against Trump?

Beyond being one of the notable global activists advocating for climate change, 17-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg has seemingly proved that she knows how and when to give back what she got and how to take timely and perfect revenge. She proved by taking revenge now and the person who is at the receiving end is Donald Trump himself, who is on the verge of getting defeated in the US Presidential elections. 

The young activist has used the same words against Trump what the latter had thrown at her one year back and after a long wait, she had thrown the same words against Trump and advising him to work on his anger management. Trump has been surfaced with the haunting election results as Democratic contender Joe Biden has been nearing the White House to take over the presidency and succeed him in the office. 

As Trump has been trailing behind the victory, he has been rolling out the unprecedented measures from the White House signaling that he is mentally unprepared to accept the fact and concede the defeat and in his bid to create a mess and apply brakes in Biden's lead, the Republican incumbent has been assaulting the democratic process of presidential elections by alleging that the election is being stolen from him. 

Being tumultuous in accepting the results that the American voters had rejected him to serve the country for four more years, Trump, with his own rhetoric, has been launching legal battles and false claims by alleging that the democrats are trying to steal an election, which had shown that the incumbent is not ready to accept the defeat in some of the battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. 

Trump had moved lawsuits in these states to stop the vote-counting.  However, the judges in Michigan and Georgia had rejected his lawsuits at a high time when Joe Biden is strongly leading the race. With the mindset of avoiding the debacles, Trump has been trying to somehow to do whatever he can to stop the damage. Besides his lawsuits, Trump has been taking to Twitter and in a barrage of tweets, the incumbent has been calling to stop the vote count and claiming that he had won the election. 

Trump is the only president in the world who had shared more misleading information on Twitter that the social media giant had removed his tweet by citing that his tweets are misleading about the election. On Thursday, he tweeted, "STOP THE COUNT!", urging to stop the vote count with his fictitious claim that the election is getting stolen from him, and through this tweet, 17-year-old Greta Thunberg found the way to give back the words what she got from the 74-year-old US President one year back. 

Replying to his Tweet, Greta Thunberg said, "So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill!". With timely revenge, Greta had brought an end to her 11 months wait. In 2019, Donald Trump had mocked Greta Thunberg when she was named as Time Magazine's person of the year. 

Trump said, "So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!". In what has become a direct insult for her and for her campaign for climate change, Greta has now given back the same words to Donald Trump with the same phrase and advised him to work on his anger management. Ever since Greta strike back, her tweet has been getting rampantly spread and her tweet has got liked over a million times in what has become perfect and timely revenge with many backing the young activist, which had irked Donald Trump when he is far away from the triumph of serving another term.

